Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fashion Faux Sho'

I went to a dance in this big hall (actually a gym, as there were markings for the 3-point line and the whole nine yards on the floor along with bleachers). As I was in line to get in, someone was trying to peek in through the window and asked me how big the place was. I told them it's the size of a big hall. After I had been in for a few minutes, I realized there were people roller skating, too. I didn't know we had the option to roller skate (though I was excited about it!); I was just planning on dancing! I was sporting a little different fashion than I do in reality... the long shirt look.... with no pants. And I was fully aware of it, though was contemplating putting on some leggings (not because I was afraid of giving a peep show, though).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tunneling to China

I was kind of like one of the bachelorettes on "The Bachelor." I had a date with a guy I liked (and was familiar with, but I can't remember who it was), but he also had dates with a bunch of other girls. We were staying in this house, but there was a spot on the ceiling (LOW ceiling) that we could pull on and something like a rope came down. The rope was made with pop bottles. If we punched through that spot, there was a 'plug' we could pull out that would allow for the hole to be made bigger... big enough to crawl up through it. So we would climb the pop bottle rope and through the hole. From there, someone had tunneled all the way to China, so we crawled through the tunnel. It didn't take very long to get there, which doesn't make sense, but neither does tunneling through the ceiling instead of the ground. We went back, and later there was some kind of 'awards ceremony'... maybe like "best date" or "best looking" or something. I think I got an award, but I don't know what it was for. There were a lot of other people around (a lot of guys hanging out). The next thing I knew, we were on a bus, and the main guy had read a verse of scripture that was not real, but made things very awkward very quickly. I did as little as possible to stay in the running, then got off the bus.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I was going on a middle school trip. Although I wasn't going to chaperone, but rather to pose as a middle schooler. This wasn't quite as big a deal, as I was only a high schooler. I was packing very light- maybe enough clothes for the whole weekend. Someone made the comment that they might make us do [something] outside, and I got to thinking that maybe I should pack my Under Armour and warm clothes. Then the idea of meeting a boy came to mind, so I thought I should take a nice shirt, in case there's a 'picture day' or a dance.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I was driving a car on the freeway. All of a sudden, the road curved to the right, but I kept going straight. I crossed over the other lanes and just missed the sidewall to my right as the car went flying off the road. This was no ordinary road- it was as high as a skyscraper. Which meant there was no "ditch."
As I sailed off the road, I realized there was no undo-ing what just happened... I was going to die. I was falling to my death, and there was nothing I could do about it at this point... except pray. So I prayed "Save me, Jesus!" multiple times. I wasn't screaming, and my life did not flash before my eyes. I was just accepting my current reality. As I approached the ground, I thought, "this is it" and braced myself. Then I prayed that the fall wouldn't hurt, but that I would just die instantly. A few feet above the ground, I sensed God scooping me up in his arms and gently setting me down on the ground- ALIVE! I couldn't believe what had happened, but I was SO THANKFUL!! I walked away without a scratch on me.

When I woke up, I couldn't believe how real the dream felt. I've never dreamt of dying before, this was a first. So what did it mean? God may be telling me that no matter what happens, he will take care of me. It may be a reminder that Christ's death on the cross has saved me. It may be that even a small amount of faith is all it takes for God to do miracles!

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full!" -John 10:10

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sacramental Oil?

A dream I had a few weeks ago (that I only have a few notes for...that don't make sense... therefore this is just two snippets):

My boyfriend had his palms open, full of oil, and he dumped it on my head. I was not happy about it in the least. Later on, he remembered that I'm not "that type" [that would take that kind of joke well], and he felt bad for doing it.
I was planning the cheer clinic (that actually happened this past Saturday), and I was asking men what each of the stations should be... (as if MEN would be the ones to ask!)

Friday, October 21, 2011


I was looking for a gift for someone. This woman [that I didn't know] had on her wish list 'suckers'...or maybe 'candy on a stick,' because I remember looking specifically for 'the kind on a stick.' It was significantly harder to find some than I expected, though it didn't seem like I was looking in stores for them. Suddenly, God spoke to me saying, "you shouldn't expect to find them immediately; just trust me." And I thought, "you're right, God will help me." Within a minute, I found a bag of suckers! It was like God was teaching me a lesson, then immediately rewarding me for 'getting it.'

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I was out in the mountains, maybe in Colorado. I was on a trip with a bunch of friends from high school, sort of like a vacation. It was sort of like a competition in some ways- there were "teams." There were also middle schoolers out there, and I remember some of the young boys hit on my friends and me. I had a good comeback for one of the boys that hit on me- I told him a) I'm too old for you, and b).... I don't remember. But it was good (though I don't think it actually made sense).
All my friends and the middle schoolers were walking around this museum for awhile before we had to leave. There were 3 floors- the 2nd and 3rd were balconies, so you could see all the floors from each one. The top floors had a bunch of arcade games, so I kept wandering around trying to find something fun to play to spend my money. We were allowed to eat/drink on the 2nd and 3rd floors, but not the 1st floor (and that's exactly what I wanted to do, so I finished whatever I was drinking before I got downstairs). There was also a DJ playing hip hop music in the museum (coolest museum ever, right?), and the song he was playing was some song called "Stupid Girl," and apparently something had happened earlier or someone made some joke at my expense that everyone knew that song was for me. Everyone was chuckling, but I was stewing.
The lower level was like a hall of flags (not just from countries, but bands and other things, too). I jumped up on a black one and slid down it, without pulling it down.
The bus was about to leave, and I realized I was the last one in the museum (weird), so I ran outside, and almost missed it. Apparently my phone didn't get good reception while in the museum, so upon walking out, I received 3-4 text messages that were somewhat important- someone on the bus asking me to grab their stuff. The bus started moving, then stopped after a few hundred yards. Some people were moving around, so I decided it was safe to get off (the back door, because big, yellow school buses have back doors). I headed toward the car I had just parked (when, I'm not sure), and there were a couple people inside. As I walked, some guy behind me- by the bus- hollered "use the right one!" There were two cars parked next to each other, and he had just gotten out of the right one, but I wasn't sure if he was trying to pull a fast one on me, so I took the safe route and hopped in the backseat of the car I parked. I went in to *ahem* use the "facilities." Yup... in the backseat of the car. Talk about awkward. I also brought back someone's cello (in a guitar case) that was sitting next to the car, and some potted flowers.

Fuel of the 21st century

I was about to take my turn "driving" my friend, Neal's classic car for the first time. I tried to ask for some direction from someone, but Neal, who was inside the car looked at me, then stared straight ahead. This gal, Tanya, who was sort of his mom (but was actually an old manager of mine) wasn't giving me any assistance either. There was also a guy on the back of the car (sitting on the trunk?). So I just had to give it my best effort. I was in something like a sidecar on the right of the car. 
To get the car started, I had to put wheat in (to fuel it)- the first one was like threading a needle trying to get the stem of the wheat in this small hole, but after that the 4" long pieces of wheat went in easily. I didn't know how much to bring, therefore we ran out before we even made it to our destination. Neal and Tanya scowled at me for not planning ahead any better, but I replied, "Nobody told me how much to bring!!"
Tanya had some "fuel" in a roll-up bag, along with silverware, in case we had to start paddling (like a canoe). Instead of wheat, she had glass nail files to use as fuel. I started to put the first one in, but quickly realized (at the same time as Tanya, who started to freak out) that I also had a pen in my hand (which would ruin the engine), so I put that back in the case and added just the nail files, one at a time. We made it to our destination: Central Park. We got out and walked around. Of course the atmosphere was neat... it was Central Park!
While we were there, I got a call from my friend, Dan, asking me for my tax info, which I thought was weird because I already had done my taxes (you know, back in April). 
We were going to leave shortly after that... but I'm not sure how, since we had run out of wheat and nail files.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Beau-rian

I got to meet my friend, Kasey's son, Brian, for the first time. Kasey's son's name isn't actually Brian in real life, but it was in my dream. Shortly after we met (as in, same day), we started dating. He was cute, had long hair, was very sweet, but was only 19 (cradle-robber, I know). He was speaking on a mic to a small crowd to motivate them. He asked the crowd, "Who's spiritual?" and I remember thinking something like Spiritual? Really? Quit trying to be so P.C. As he was on the mic, he was holding my hand, of which I was kind of embarrassed, since we just met/started dating.
My friend, Shawn Harris was cleaning cardboard pizza boxes to reuse for plates for sandwiches. Someone brought sandwich ingredients, while other people brought baked goods like for an auction. We all gathered in the square where Brian was talking to people. Someone told me I needed to start opening up to Brian already.
Later on, I was looking at a new [white] teal car, and could see it at every angle like a virtual tour.

Dream a Dream...

I was in a crowd of people. We were in a giant house and I don't remember what we were doing, but I remember there being food, sort of like a potluck. I was apparently sleeping at some point, because when I woke up, I told people around me, "I just had a dream that I missed my birthday. It was the 17th (of March), which meant it was St. Patrick's Day, and the day after my birthday, which means I completely missed my birthday the day before! I was devastated because I love my birthday! {thinking back to the 'Palooza' from this past year.} But then I woke up and realized it wasn't the 17th, it was the 22nd...of September." {Today is actually the 21st of September... so it's like my dream within a dream was pseduo-accurate.) They thought it was an odd dream, as did I, and I went on my way...doing whatever it was we were doing in this giant house.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Break-dancin' Midget

I was at a family picnic of sorts... kind of like our Christmas gathering. My friend, Jim walks in holding a little boy's hand. Jim's not married, and as far as I know, doesn't have any kids, so I was surprised to see him with a baby. My thought was, "Jim has a kid?!?" Well, I bent down to talk to the 2-foot-tall child (in baby talk, of course) and do a little cheek-pinching (or something like that), and then as they walked away, I realized this baby had a full beard! This wasn't Jim's kid, this was a midget! WHY he was holding Jim's hand, I'll never know. Suddenly I felt bad for talking to him like he was a baby... and the midget glared at me while I apologized for doing so. Jim said, "he gets that a lot."

Later on in the evening, Jim and the midget started busting out some moves... break dancing! They were doing some pretty incredible stuff, so it was fun to watch. Then it occured to me what Jim was wearing: a red-blue-green plaid (flannel-type) shirt, belted at the waist and jeans with a double skinny belt. I thought, "two belts? I'm not sure I could do that... but Jim can pull it off!" But really..... not a good look, Jim.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Man's Woman

I was applying for a job at a hockey rink- sort of like a "water girl" for the team, but not. The other girls that were sitting waiting for their interviews were all dressed down, wearing jeans and hooded sweatshirts. Although that is what I would be wearing for the job, I wanted to look nice for the interview, so I was wearing slacks and a nice shirt (short sleeves, so I'm surprised I wasn't cold). I walked in (with my mom) with a giant smile on my face to make sure I made a great first impression. I walked up to a table, and the first thing they asked me was if I had any experience. I knew that experience was not required, but could tell immediately it was greatly preferred! And unfortunately, I had none. I started to say I kind of had some experience (but just because I dated a hockey player in high school doesn't mean I have experience as the team "water girl" or whatever), then eventually just said "no, not really."

Earlier in my dream, I was playing "boyfriend." I know what you're thinking: "excuse me??" My best friend, Alice and I were somewhere together with a bunch of other people, but I can't remember what we were doing. At one point, I sneaked away from the crowd to leave a surprise for Alice. I had a canister of rose petals, so I sprinkled them on the floor to Alice's room where she was staying and on her bed. (It made a sort of "shaker" sound when I shook them out of the canister instead of using my fingers.) Alice was in another room, but could see me around the corner at one point, so she found me out. Not as much of a surprise as I would have hoped. I don't know why I did it, except I wanted to make Alice smile. I knew she would get a kick out of it! And she did, when she saw me from the other room.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not-So-Grand Canyons

I was walking to Texas Roadhouse for my birthday dinner. Fortunately, it was closer than Nevada to Johnston. The road I was on was very narrow, and cut-out, like the edges of the road were walls. Then some cars started coming toward me- in both lanes, and one immediately behind those- kind of like a gang of cars. I was staying as far to the left as possible, but decided since it was dark out, and there was no shoulder, I should probably just get off the road. So I hopped up the 3-4 foot grassy embankment and walked on the "sidewalk," a one-foot wide dirt path. There was a short tree right next to it that I would have had to crawl under to stay on the sidewalk, but next thing I knew, I found myself past that point, further from the road. Then I looked over and saw two cars ram each other head-on -- one drove over the other one and got stuck. They were big, old Buicks or something- one was blue, one was brown. I kept walking and noticed the ground in front of me was not the same- it was like there was a giant (maybe 50 feet across) canyon that I would need to get over or around. Some random guy that was there said "go back, it's not worth [the hasssle]." Over this canyon was a solid sheet of glass. It didn't reach the edges of the canyon, but was close. It was apparently suspended in mid-air. Suddenly, my friend, Lydia was there and she decided she was going to slide across the glass. So she did, head-first, on her stomach. It must have been a very smooth surface, because she slid very fast, and I was starting to worry that she wouldn't stop in time and slide off the edge! But she stopped just in time, and hopped to the land. I stood there for a minute thinking it would be fun, but kind of scared to do it, when my brother showed up. I told him to go next and I would be right behind him; I chickened out. 

Earlier in my dream, I was at a church program. Before the program began, I was sitting in some little closet with no door, singing. I was actually pretty good! The program was a musical, and I recognized two of the songs, but only remembered the first one. The first song I remembered was "Let's Go Fly a Kite," but was performed NOTHING like it was in Mary Poppins. There were a lot of people on the stage at the time (which was actually in the gym, with the audience sitting on the floor), and this guy, Kaleb was the star performer. At one point, he exited the stage, then we next saw him flying from the ceiling; it was pretty cool. Afterward, I was sitting on the gym floor, as well, and turned around and saw Kaleb and his family. His dad was about 60 years old, but was gorgeous, and we held eye contact for a few seconds. Then it occurred to me that I should say something to Kaleb to catch his attention.... with the thought of "hey, if I marry Kaleb, HE will probably still be as gorgeous as his dad someday, too!" So I turned to tell him "good job," but I kind of whispered/mumbled it, so I had to say it a few times (losing its effect. I finally slowed down and said "GOOOOD JOOOOOB" and gave the thumbs up, so he'd get it, and he finally did. So much for sparking his interest.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stairway to...

A couple friends led me up into this tower. The stairwell to get up into it was kind of like the rocket ship slide you might see at city parks. Once we got up in it, we were in this big room with lots of people. Then I realized there was too much weight on our side, and we started to tip, so I asked if we needed to move to the other side to even it out. Someone reassured me it was ok, but I moved over anyway. Next thing I know, the whole tower is tipping to the ground, so I was holding on for dear life, thinking it was the end. We got all the way to the ground, and out the window I saw that the tower was on top of this old tree- it was a huge, sturdy trunk, but multiple swaying branches. After a second, the tower came back up again and tipped down to the other side, and it continued doing this, back and forth, like a pendulum.


My landlord forced me to move out of my apartment. Before he told me this, he had already found a new apartment for me to move into right away. When I first visited it, a bunch of friends came with me. The place was still furnished from the former tenants- an old couple who had both just died. The place was a mess. It was on the 3rd floor of a building and had huge, east-facing windows in the living room and bedroom (despite the bedroom being just on the other side of the elevator to get upstairs). It was all dark woodwork, 80's style. The rent was only $10 more per month than my current rent, so that was ok, but tv wasn't included.... I mean, not even network tv... but that wasn't a big deal, because I don't watch tv anyway. I was excited about the building I would be living in, because outside my door, you could see all the way down to the lobby (like a balcony) and there were several neon-rainbow-colored grand pianos down there! I was hoping I would get to play them. Shortly after getting there, I had a knock on the door- it was the police. I told them I was the only one there (because my friends were all convicts).