Saturday, June 26, 2010

Snow Skiing in Okoboji

I was staying in this huge house along with tons of other people. I woke up in the middle of the night or something and walked downstairs. The guy that owned the house was a big guy, and I saw him coming downstairs at the same time as me. I saw one of the other girls, Janice, that I met in Salt Company back in college laying on the ground... or should I say, in the ground. She was sleeping on a grassy area (in the basement), and was sunk into the ground! I asked if I could help her (I was thinking, I could share my bed) or at least get her a blanket, but she said she was fine. She showed me that she would lay down and nestle in, and would just sink in, so earth and grass were up around her. 
I walked to a different room, and when I walked back (the way I came), I saw TONS of black bugs covering the floor. I thought to myself, "Did I walk through these before?!" Then I noticed I had some on me, too, so I quickly shook them off. Gross.
As for the rest of the dream, I remember having my [snow] skiing gear, so we must have gone skiing at some point, and my parents were there, but we were at Okoboji. They asked someone for permission or clearance to be somewhere, because they'd been married so long..... not sure what that was all about.

Elderly Midget & Gorilla Glue

I was on my way home from somewhere hours away. At first, someone else was following me as we tried to get on the correct roads we needed to to get home. I missed mine (which was R38-- an Ames road), so I had to turn around and go back. I waved at my friend as they continued on.
A little ways down the road, I stopped at someone's house to take a break. I don't think I had to use the bathroom or anything, I just needed a break from driving. Then when I went to hop on my bike to leave, I saw the old couple that lived there sitting out on their back porch. I felt bad for trespassing and not seeing them, so I went up and introduced myself as I left. For some reason, they told me their son's name, Jim something, and I recognized the name! I think he was some kind of relative or friend of my parents. They also pointed out the spectacular view that they had from their porch. I had been sitting down the hill a ways, so the view wasn't the same. It was all mountains, and I saw wildlife running; it didn't look like real-life mountains, however, it looked like a picture. It was beautiful, though!
Further on up the road, I came to my great aunt's house. I had already had 2 stops (not sure where the 1st one was), it was 8:30 at night, getting dark, and still and hour and a half or so drive to get home; I had already been driving for a couple hours, so I didn't want to stop, but I felt like I should. So I didn't. But instead, for some reason, I came back later. I went through the fence to the backyard, picked someone up (carrying a elderly midget?) and ran across the backyard hoping to not be seen by my great aunt. Meanwhile, my parents were narrating the situation-- watching through her windows (from the outside) to tell me what she was doing (cooking... "skipping the potatoes, so she may be coming to the window!") and help me get through without being seen. Well, I made it.
I don't know if I ever made it home, or made any other stops, but later on, I was back at my great aunt's house. Except now her grandson (my 2nd cousin), Kyle lived there. I saw through the window that he had replaced the old deck, and it looked really nice. He took us (my parents and I) to another part of the house, and I made a comment about the deck, so he took me to go see it.... instead of looking nice this time, it had fallen through, was all different heights, and made mostly out of old railroad ties! There was a spot about 6square feet that was new, but that was it. He had a bird bath on the deck railing and all kinds of birds and insects swarming around that area. It was kind of creepy. I saw something that looked like a tarantula at first, but then I realized it was a bird. This bird was blue, and literally the size and shape of a baseball. I went in and told Mom (cuz she loves birds), and we thought it may be an Indigo Bunting (which, in real life, is not shaped like a baseball). 
My cousin's house then became a grocery store. And I was going to work there, at least for the day. I was having trouble finding everything (it was actually a grocery/clothing store), and apparently others were, too. The manager called all the women to the back to discuss "female things." The discussion, instead, was about bandaging wounds. He had me grab a paper towel and he put a bit of antibacterial ointment on it, but this wasn't your basic ointment. I was more like gorilla glue that would expand. He said "you have to put it on quickly or it will dry." Then everyone went back up to the front of the store. I decided to use the ointment he demonstrated with on a cut on my arm, so I put the paper towel to my skin, thinking it would be too dry already, but it adhered right to me like superglue, then I put a bandage over the paper towel (I tore around the ointment so I didn't have a full-size paper towel on my arm).

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Movie Madness

Mom and I went to see a movie. We saw my friend, Annie there, so we decided to sit together. The theater was pretty full, but Mom picked out only 2 seats next to each other. I was like, "what? we need 3!" Annie sat at the opposite end of that row, so I sat by her instead so she wasn't alone (Mom's own fault that she didn't find 3 seats together). The movie was horrible. Not just a bad movie, but raunchy as all get out. (Although I don't actually remember seeing anything beyond the previews.) Before it started, I had to go to the bathroom. Apparently the bathrooms in this theater were crappy, (a pun I realized in my dream), so I went next door-- where there was ANOTHER theater. I had taken my curling iron to the bathroom with me to fix my hair- I took out my ponytail and started to curl it, not realizing it was all for naught, because my hair was really dirty/greasy, so it wouldn't look good anyway. I used the restroom and came back, and was a little irked, because now instead of spending $35 on a movie(!), I spent $55, because they charged me $20 to get into the restroom!!! The previews were still going, so I left one more time (I said it'd take 10 minutes but actually took much longer) to make a sales call (like I use to with my last job) at the Taco John's next door... or maybe a different biz next to it, I can't remember what I decided. I forced myself to go on the sales call because I really didn't want to, so I knew I needed to do just one to get the first one out of the way. I went back to the movie, and the previews were just finishing up (LONG previews!). Apparently, ever since the theaters started allowing people to bring bikes and unicycles into the movies, that's what ppl did during the previews. My friends Sam and Rhonda were riding unicycles, I believe, toward the back of the theater. It was pretty chaotic.
Later on, back at my parents' house, we were getting ready to go...somewhere..."home"? Mom had to go to the bathroom; I poked my head in to see if she was in there, saw what she was doing, and saw ANOTHER toilet next to her with my curling iron sticking out of it! I yelled at her "you better not have put my curling iron in the toilet!!!" That was supposedly the toilet I had used, and may or may not have flushed.... she wanted to cool it off faster so we could pack it up. She came out into the living room and handed me the curling iron; the cord was all wrapped tightly around it, and I didn't like how it was wrapped (because part of the cord was under the curling 'lever' thing), so I started to undo it. Then I realized it was damp. I smelled it, it smelled like toilet, and I so SO MAD. I SCREAMED at Mom for putting it in the toilet. 
Later on, I came to enough to realize the dream I'd just had, so I started typing up the notes on my phone... in my dream. When my alarm went off and I ACTUALLY woke up, I realized none of those notes were actually written/typed anywhere, so I grabbed my phone and started typing in notes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grandpa, the Sailor

At the end of a dream, I walked up to my grandpa to ask him a question. He was wearing clothes that made him look like he was part of a yacht club, or like someone who owns a sailboat (think blue and white stripes, red and yellow anchors... nautical theme). Also, he looked much, much younger. I asked him, "where are you from?" His answer told me that either he didn't know who I was, or he thought I didn't know who he was. So I rephrased the question, calling him grandpa this time.

Another snippet of a dream:
I was referring to my bicycle, and instead of saying I needed "air in my front tire," I said I needed "front air in my tire."

Dolphin Show

I was staying in a condo- one side was facing the beach, the other side had a pool inside. The pool had a volleyball net set up, and someone was wearing a dolphin costume (which actually looked like an Orca costume), and was jumping around in the pool like a dolphin. 
Later on, my friend, Nancy and I were riding in our friend, Charlie's truck. We saw my friend, Hannah (who was apparently friends with Charlie, as well) and Charlie called out to her and waved. Hannah barely acknowledged me, which I'd come to expect from her. Charlie was mad that she's never around anymore and I responded, "you're one to talk."


Mom and I were driving in Dad's truck at night. She got out to go up to a house, and left the parking lights on. She didn't actually park the vehicle, just left it in the middle of the street. I turned the lights on and let it start rolling slowly down the street. I have no idea why, but I wanted to move. Maybe since it was in the middle of the street, that way there was still a 'flow' of traffic. I got worried that Mom wouldn't be able to find me, since the truck was not where she left it, and it no longer had just the parking lights on; I kept watching in the rearview mirror for her. Next thing I know, she's climbing back in the driver's side.

That Bugs Me

I was covered in little, black bugs. C O V E R E D . I shook them off as much as I could, then had to brush them off. Ew.

Aren't Chew Glad it was only a Dream?

I tried chewing tobacco for the first time. It was DISGUSTING. I had a huge wad of it in my lip (bigger than normal), and the texture of it was more like someone else had chewed it first. Vomit. And I about did. I was gagging, and eventually couldn't take it anymore and spit it out-- in the sink, of all places. My friend, Evan, was there (who is a chewer in real life), and he wanted me to "hide the evidence"...from what or whom, I'm not sure. Apparently he could have gotten in trouble. 
Later on, I opened up the fridge, turned around, and was apparently about to pee in it. But I didn't.

Big, Big House with Lots and Lots of Rooms

I was staying in this huge house with tons of rooms. The attic had a banquet room with tables all set up nicely and a bathroom (you had to go through the bathroom to get to the rest of the attic). The upstairs also had tables set up, but not as many, because there was also a bedroom and bath. 
Other than the house, all I remember from this dream was that I changed into some old, colorful sweatshirt mid-dream (think 80's).


I was in some kind of gym for something, and a group was meeting there. I can picture the gym, but can't really describe it. All I remember is there were ski racks on one side, designed to allow skis to dry out nicely. Someone couldn't find the way, so the guy that gave them directions fessed up to giving poor ones. I took it upon myself to rat him out. So I walked to his parents' house. I walked right in to find his dad sleeping on the couch. He woke up and was shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of me standing there in only a towel. I told him his son gave wrong directions to the gym. I was kinda waiting for him to ask me why it was so important that I tell him, but was really hoping he wouldn't, because I knew that it was stupid for me to tell on him! Then I realized that the guy I was telling on was the brother of a girl I didn't care for.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ah, Rats!

I was living in my parents' house by myself, and had them and a few others over. We're sitting in the dining room, and next thing we notice is a couple small mice under the living room window, scampering along. One was grey and one was brown. I started freaking out a little, cuz there's mice in my house, then all of a sudden a whole bunch more appear- we counted 10!! So I have nearly a dozen brown and grey mice (more like rats because they were rather large) running around my house, and we're trying to trap them, step on them, kick them, anything. We didn't get a single one.

Later on, I was riding in a car with someone after it had rained, and I told them about how I saw a brilliant rainbow earlier that night (there really was a beautiful rainbow last night). Then I looked out the window and saw the brightest rainbow I'd ever seen in my life- like it was straight out of a coloring book!! It was gorgeous! And just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared, then came back only faint.

Talk about dreaming in color!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My first dream was something about a bag of rice. A BIG bag. I remember opening it, and that's it. Rice.

In my next dream, I had to take a test that was really hard. Everyone kept consulting with each other for answers. The teacher gave us two answers. The classroom was a motley combination of people, no idea who. We were all in this big, old house. Later on, I was practicing something, and to do so, I had to kill spiders. One guy had them on a string, and I... ripped the legs off or something, not really sure. I wasn't creeped out by it (thank God!), but it was weird. It was almost as if I was practicing killing people... hmmm... I received a phone call from a guy. The phone I was on was a cord phone, and big and bulky (telephone booth style, but with a longer coil cord), and I was grateful for that, cuz it made it easy to hold on to. The guy on the phone was some congressman that I'd been trying to get in touch with. I didn't quite believe him when he told me who he was- said his name was Ed something, but I thought it was my friend, Dave, whose name was actually Robin (but not really). He kept asking me about the bathrooms on the UNI campus. He was pretty concerned about there being enough. I told him there's probably about as many as ISU campus has. (We were talking about OUTDOOR restrooms, so this detail was a little odd.) And this conversation had nothing to do with politics or him trying to win my vote; he just called. That's it.