Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ski Camp

I got to go sky diving! TWICE! It was non-traditional, like I was on or in something, or holding something, but I can't remember what. But I was soaring through the air to the ground. Safely. And it rocked. Afterward I thought to myself, "I can cross that off my bucket list now!"
I also went skiing. We must have been somewhere down around MO or AR. The ski slopes were a little lacking in the snow department... and they were carpeted underneath. So they were kinda like steps, because I don't think there was another way UP the slopes, except walking up them. Some spots had more snow than others. And I think more than anything, we were sledding and sliding down- on our backside or stomach (which was by the way, slightly terrifying with as steep as the slopes were).
Later on, my family/group had to find a church for something, maybe a meeting? Or baptism? I'm not sure. But while we were there, I watched some wedding designer commercial to get ideas for the future. Our friends gave us flack about which church we chose. There were not good options. There was one church that had quite the fanfare on the ROAD every time we drove by. They were along the side at a stoplight, so when it was red, they had their little banner thing, and then when it turned green, one side flipped open (onto the road), sort of like a purple (nylon) carpet, except going across the lanes of traffic. It was actually pretty neat, just a "little" excessive. Other churches were booked with such short notice, or too expensive. So we found the cheapest one we could. And it suited our needs (whatever they were) just fine.
Earlier in the dream, I was at some kind of camp or something. I stayed in some cabin, because I remember having to pack up all my belongings...and almost leaving without some. Which then made me wish I had started packing the day before. I remember I left food in the fridge, but otherwise, I think I got everything. There was a little girl that would hang out with me. I'm not sure who she was, but she was sweet and quiet.
When we had to head back home, we were not sure how to get there, so we thought, "we could follow our Tennessee friends a little ways, but we wouldn't be sure when we should be turning the opposite direction as them in order to get back to Iowa. Maybe I can get the woman's cell phone number and call if we think we are on the wrong road."
We took a bathroom break before we hopped in the car... I was wearing several layers, as I would when I ski. My dad and I went to a caibo, but there weren't actually walls- it was like a swing/harness hanging from a pine tree. Several of them together (in a square-ish formation) composed the bunch of port-a-potties. I chose one next to my dad, ( =S ) and decided it'd be best to take down SOME of my layers, since I would be sitting in those clothes for several hours in the vehicle, Dad agreed. I asked if I could just take them all down, and he said it probably wouldn't be a good idea. But I kinda started to anyway. I hate peeing in my clothes.