Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fashion Faux Sho'

I went to a dance in this big hall (actually a gym, as there were markings for the 3-point line and the whole nine yards on the floor along with bleachers). As I was in line to get in, someone was trying to peek in through the window and asked me how big the place was. I told them it's the size of a big hall. After I had been in for a few minutes, I realized there were people roller skating, too. I didn't know we had the option to roller skate (though I was excited about it!); I was just planning on dancing! I was sporting a little different fashion than I do in reality... the long shirt look.... with no pants. And I was fully aware of it, though was contemplating putting on some leggings (not because I was afraid of giving a peep show, though).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tunneling to China

I was kind of like one of the bachelorettes on "The Bachelor." I had a date with a guy I liked (and was familiar with, but I can't remember who it was), but he also had dates with a bunch of other girls. We were staying in this house, but there was a spot on the ceiling (LOW ceiling) that we could pull on and something like a rope came down. The rope was made with pop bottles. If we punched through that spot, there was a 'plug' we could pull out that would allow for the hole to be made bigger... big enough to crawl up through it. So we would climb the pop bottle rope and through the hole. From there, someone had tunneled all the way to China, so we crawled through the tunnel. It didn't take very long to get there, which doesn't make sense, but neither does tunneling through the ceiling instead of the ground. We went back, and later there was some kind of 'awards ceremony'... maybe like "best date" or "best looking" or something. I think I got an award, but I don't know what it was for. There were a lot of other people around (a lot of guys hanging out). The next thing I knew, we were on a bus, and the main guy had read a verse of scripture that was not real, but made things very awkward very quickly. I did as little as possible to stay in the running, then got off the bus.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I was going on a middle school trip. Although I wasn't going to chaperone, but rather to pose as a middle schooler. This wasn't quite as big a deal, as I was only a high schooler. I was packing very light- maybe enough clothes for the whole weekend. Someone made the comment that they might make us do [something] outside, and I got to thinking that maybe I should pack my Under Armour and warm clothes. Then the idea of meeting a boy came to mind, so I thought I should take a nice shirt, in case there's a 'picture day' or a dance.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I was driving a car on the freeway. All of a sudden, the road curved to the right, but I kept going straight. I crossed over the other lanes and just missed the sidewall to my right as the car went flying off the road. This was no ordinary road- it was as high as a skyscraper. Which meant there was no "ditch."
As I sailed off the road, I realized there was no undo-ing what just happened... I was going to die. I was falling to my death, and there was nothing I could do about it at this point... except pray. So I prayed "Save me, Jesus!" multiple times. I wasn't screaming, and my life did not flash before my eyes. I was just accepting my current reality. As I approached the ground, I thought, "this is it" and braced myself. Then I prayed that the fall wouldn't hurt, but that I would just die instantly. A few feet above the ground, I sensed God scooping me up in his arms and gently setting me down on the ground- ALIVE! I couldn't believe what had happened, but I was SO THANKFUL!! I walked away without a scratch on me.

When I woke up, I couldn't believe how real the dream felt. I've never dreamt of dying before, this was a first. So what did it mean? God may be telling me that no matter what happens, he will take care of me. It may be a reminder that Christ's death on the cross has saved me. It may be that even a small amount of faith is all it takes for God to do miracles!

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full!" -John 10:10

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sacramental Oil?

A dream I had a few weeks ago (that I only have a few notes for...that don't make sense... therefore this is just two snippets):

My boyfriend had his palms open, full of oil, and he dumped it on my head. I was not happy about it in the least. Later on, he remembered that I'm not "that type" [that would take that kind of joke well], and he felt bad for doing it.
I was planning the cheer clinic (that actually happened this past Saturday), and I was asking men what each of the stations should be... (as if MEN would be the ones to ask!)