Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fashion Faux Sho'

I went to a dance in this big hall (actually a gym, as there were markings for the 3-point line and the whole nine yards on the floor along with bleachers). As I was in line to get in, someone was trying to peek in through the window and asked me how big the place was. I told them it's the size of a big hall. After I had been in for a few minutes, I realized there were people roller skating, too. I didn't know we had the option to roller skate (though I was excited about it!); I was just planning on dancing! I was sporting a little different fashion than I do in reality... the long shirt look.... with no pants. And I was fully aware of it, though was contemplating putting on some leggings (not because I was afraid of giving a peep show, though).

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