Monday, May 14, 2012

P Ranch, Where the 'P' Doesn't Stand for Pizza

I was chasing some bad guys out of the house with a friend. I told her to grab something heavy (to use as a weapon); I had a paint can, she grabbed something really small that she could use as a weapon, but only up close. We knew they were upstairs, so we headed up. I wanted to just flee the scene (because this wasn't actually our house, so it was more that they were in our 'territory'). She thought we should fight them off, so we did, and we won.
Later on, I was looking for a restroom, and I walked into what I thought was one, but instead of stalls, there were barber chairs. I chose one next to a friend who was getting her hair done. The girl that was working in that chair came back and I asked if I could use it while she wasn't busy. She said yes, so she "tidied up" then left...with the chair. So all she left me was the "stand" that the chair was on. I knew that wouldn't work, so I gave up hope. Then my dad showed up. I told him the situation and he offered to hold my legs up over the chair frame. There was now a container of ranch dressing with several layers of seals and lids on the frame. I peeled off the layers, sat down and peed, but I kept my jeans on. Though it doesn't make sense, it worked in my dream. There were people walking over, so I put my hands in my lap so they couldn't see what I was doing.

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