Monday, May 17, 2010


I went on a ski trip with my family. There were also a lot of other friends out there, as well, though. I found that once I started getting ready for skiing, I hadn't done such a good job packing-- I put absolutely no thought into it. I did not have my snow pants (luckily, Mom had some hanging in the closet... not sure why she had a closet of their clothes where we stayed). I did not bring my hat (luckily, I wore a pink hat the day before that would work... I definitely don't own a light pink stocking cap). I did not bring my skis/poles/boots (luckily, I was able to rent those). I did not even have a decent pair of socks to wear... all I'd brought was my ISU socks that are so worn down the bottoms are like "netting"...which wasn't going to keep my feet warm! I was lucky I even had my COAT with me! Prior to leaving the hotel/condo for the day, I was hanging out with my friend, Gayle, and her family. I had apparently made a video of some sort for her dad, Monty, so we were watching that. Then when we were about to head out (early enough to catch our flight...  despite being only a few miles away from the slopes), my friend, Kasey, was there, and she said she'd give us a ride in her car, so we didn't have to leave quite as early. We were going to meet my dad and brother at the slopes.

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