Friday, July 13, 2012


My boyfriend, Manuel had just gotten back from a long vacation a week ago. I was supposed to go to Hawaii for a week for a choir trip... the next morning. I had forgotten about it, so I hadn't packed. I also hadn't told Manuel I was leaving! I was in the backseat of my mom's car when I realized this; we were driving down the gravel road just west of my parents' house. I tried to call Manuel right away to tell him, but he didn't answer. I told my mom that I hadn't told him yet, and she said, "ohhhh" in a very disappointed voice. I was devastated, as I hated the idea of leaving him for a week after he'd been gone so long on his own vacation and I missed him like crazy. Plus, I hated not being able to say goodbye, because we were scheduled to leave at 7:25 a.m.

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