Friday, November 4, 2011


I was driving a car on the freeway. All of a sudden, the road curved to the right, but I kept going straight. I crossed over the other lanes and just missed the sidewall to my right as the car went flying off the road. This was no ordinary road- it was as high as a skyscraper. Which meant there was no "ditch."
As I sailed off the road, I realized there was no undo-ing what just happened... I was going to die. I was falling to my death, and there was nothing I could do about it at this point... except pray. So I prayed "Save me, Jesus!" multiple times. I wasn't screaming, and my life did not flash before my eyes. I was just accepting my current reality. As I approached the ground, I thought, "this is it" and braced myself. Then I prayed that the fall wouldn't hurt, but that I would just die instantly. A few feet above the ground, I sensed God scooping me up in his arms and gently setting me down on the ground- ALIVE! I couldn't believe what had happened, but I was SO THANKFUL!! I walked away without a scratch on me.

When I woke up, I couldn't believe how real the dream felt. I've never dreamt of dying before, this was a first. So what did it mean? God may be telling me that no matter what happens, he will take care of me. It may be a reminder that Christ's death on the cross has saved me. It may be that even a small amount of faith is all it takes for God to do miracles!

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full!" -John 10:10

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