Wednesday, September 1, 2010

White Trash Weddings

I went to a basketball game with two other people, and we sat in the nosebleeds. We were there for some little boy... can't remember how- maybe we took him with us?? Anyway, we each carried our own large cooler (by large, I mean mine was the smallest at 28 quarts) full of ice and beer. How I carried it up the bleachers, I haven't a clue. Instead of getting schnockered, however, I had to leave early for a wedding (I don't remember ever taking anything out of the cooler anyway). The wedding was just outside of La Porte City, close to where I grew up. It was a fairly formal wedding, even though this really fancy venue was on a gravel road. The bride's name was Lindsay, I think, but can't be too sure. And her last name WAS Stutter, and would now be Stoddard. I thought it was odd how close the two names were. But what was odder, there were two ceremonies, about two hours apart! The first one, which I was in attendance for, was like a party, the other was an actual wedding ceremony. You might think it sounds like the reception was before the wedding, but that wasn't the case at all. Everyone who came to the first ceremony was truly expecting a wedding! So during the "party ceremony," I hung out with bridesmaids who were wearing black dresses. I don't think I knew any of them. In fact, I don't think I knew the bride or groom, either! As if this scenario wasn't odd enough, it was actually like the same bride was marrying two different grooms at the two ceremonies! It made no sense to me. At one point, when I was standing inside the church (which at this point looked just like the foyer of the church I grew up in), I saw my friend, Gertrude's husband, James in a tux, as if HE was one of the grooms! But that thought didn't last long, because somehow I knew that he wasn't going to marry this Lindsay girl. 
Well, since I had time between ceremonies, I guess I decided to leave... but I didn't have the basketball game in mind. I was going to head back up to Cedar Falls, though. I didn't know for sure how to get home, so I pulled to the side to punch it into my Garmin. I pulled onto a side road and turned to face the road I would continue down, and as I sat there (uphill), the "Resume" button on my cruise control acted as a Resuming parking brake without having any brake on! 
*PAUSE... while I wake up and write down my dream...*
I was back at the wedding. I never did sit through a wedding, but I hung out w/ the wedding party and guests later. We were surrounded by water, and there were small springboards (think sideways diving boards- sorta like a skier platform on the back of a boat, except w/ springs) off the edge of... whatever cement platform/ground we were on. So we kept jumping off the ground, onto the diving board and into the water. And there was some kind of network of cables above our heads, so I would climb up on those and sit and do flips and somersaults off of it. None of us were dressed for the occasion (of playing around), but we didn't care. I at least wasn't wearing anything too fancy... a part-white shirt, maybe like a baseball T, but it was brand new; I was grateful that my shirt wasn't ALL-white like one of the other girls (because I thought there's no way she's getting that shirt clean)! Next thing I know, we found mud. It was right where the water used to be that we were jumping into. This was the best mud you could imagine for playing in, sliding in and throwing... so that's what we did!

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