Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My first dream was something about a bag of rice. A BIG bag. I remember opening it, and that's it. Rice.

In my next dream, I had to take a test that was really hard. Everyone kept consulting with each other for answers. The teacher gave us two answers. The classroom was a motley combination of people, no idea who. We were all in this big, old house. Later on, I was practicing something, and to do so, I had to kill spiders. One guy had them on a string, and I... ripped the legs off or something, not really sure. I wasn't creeped out by it (thank God!), but it was weird. It was almost as if I was practicing killing people... hmmm... I received a phone call from a guy. The phone I was on was a cord phone, and big and bulky (telephone booth style, but with a longer coil cord), and I was grateful for that, cuz it made it easy to hold on to. The guy on the phone was some congressman that I'd been trying to get in touch with. I didn't quite believe him when he told me who he was- said his name was Ed something, but I thought it was my friend, Dave, whose name was actually Robin (but not really). He kept asking me about the bathrooms on the UNI campus. He was pretty concerned about there being enough. I told him there's probably about as many as ISU campus has. (We were talking about OUTDOOR restrooms, so this detail was a little odd.) And this conversation had nothing to do with politics or him trying to win my vote; he just called. That's it.


Farmgirl Chaos said...

Yup. Weird dreams. And can I say that after reading this blog, my eyes always go goofy for a couple of minutes? Not sure if it's the whole black with white font thing or not.
Keep on dreaming!!

Amy said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! THAT'S AWESOME!! I'm picturing your eyes like Tami's when she took off her glasses when she was younger- one eye would start to wander... TOO FUNNY!