Yeah, ok, so this blog isn't really that purposeful. It's really just a place to log the crazy dreams that happen in my subconscious night after night. It was a long and drawn out process of creating this blog... many months of planning, surveying and preparing...... ah, who am I kidding, I thought up the idea yesterday and decided to go for it today!
As much as I would love to be super-dedicated to blogging everyday, I'm just not. I never have been. But I'll do my best to keep this updated frequently. And keep in mind, although I remember my dreams, that doesn't mean I remember them in their entirety! So, often I will remember only bits and pieces, but I'll give ya whatever I can.
Another note, since I'm usually dreaming about semi-real-life stuff, real-life people show up. Therefore, any names will be changed, and occasionally content will be edited. Just sayin'.
Hope you enjoy dreaming vicariously through me!
So are you always yourself in your dreams? I am often someone else. I don't know if that's weird or not - it's like it's me, but it's not...
Anne P
Ya know, I usually am... but it seems like I may have had some dreams in the past where I was someone else. Very weird...! :)
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